
Compliance Values

Bayerische Versorgungskammer combines economic success with ethical responsibility. Responsible and moral conduct towards employees, participants, pensioners, members, business partner, tenants, representatives of the committees, society and the environment are an integral part of our value system. After all, legally and ethically correct conduct is the basis for sustainable, long-term and reliable pension provision.

Mutual appreciation is based on inner conviction and a willingness to act. This means we address problems and critical behavior in the workplace and look for solutions together. This is the only way to develop an environment characterized by openness, tolerance and fairness.

The Code of Conduct of the Bayerische Versorgungskammer provides a guideline for our daily interactions and, in addition to legally binding requirements, also includes our compliance values.

Compliance Culture

Because rules cannot replace the inner compass that enables us to judge between right and wrong, we pursue a values-based approach to compliance. We are convinced that the success of compliance programmes depends on whether our employees have adopted certain values and align their behaviour with them. As such complying with legal regulations and compliance rules and observing ethical principles is a top priority for Bayerische Versorgungskammer and its pension schemes. Only if rules and standards are respected, can we prevent harm to our company, our employees, participants, pensioners, members, business partners and tenants.

Inappropriate behaviour must be identified at an early stage, dealt with and stopped immediately. In order to be able to fulfill our supply mandate sustainably and to meet our responsibility as an authority of the Free State of Bavaria without restrictions, we will investigate any case of suspicion regarding breaches of regulations and ensure transparency in our actions.

The Compliance Management of Bayerische Versorgungskammer is the central point of contact for reports of compliance violations and provides a whistleblower platform for this purpose. The whistleblower platform offers an avenue for informing Compliance Management about violations of legal regulations or compliance rules, such as potential corruption offenses, fraud, violations of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) or data protection violations, as well as ethically dubious behavior, and thus contribute to their detection.

Report Compliance Violation

If you have specific, well-founded indications of legal violations or breaches of rules at Bayerische Versorgungskammer or suspect such violations, you can contact Compliance Management directly. Your information will make an important contribution to ensuring the success of our company.

Report Compliance Violation